March 1, 2023
Email Alix Hess at Alix.Hess@redflag.global to RSVP
Mr. Timothy Wineland
Deputy Assistant USTR for China Affairs
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Mr. Wineland is Deputy Assistant US Trade Representative in the Office of China Affairs, the office which develops US trade policy with the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. In the Office of China Affairs, Wineland focuses on standards and technical barriers to trade issues, US-China agricultural trade relations, and information technology and telecom issues. He co-manages the USTR Taiwan portfolio.
For 3 years prior to joining USTR in 2004, Wineland worked in the US Department of Commerce’s Office of the Chinese Economic Area, where he focused on standards-related trade issues and technical barriers to trade. Prior to his US Department of Commerce service, he served as Legislative Director to US Congressman Dave Camp, handling international trade, agriculture and tax issues from 1995 to 2000.